What is ABA?

ABA therapy is considered an evidence based best practice treatment by the US surgeon general and the American Psychological association. This approach to behavior change is data driven, meaning decisions about treatment are based on each client’s individual progress. Because everyone with Autism is unique, each client will progress at different speeds and in different ways. We closely monitor our client’s progress and constantly adapt their program to fit their needs.
ABA is based on learning theory and is a very optimistic approach to understanding human behavior. Behavior analysts use techniques derived from basic principles of behavior to understand how behavior is learned and how it can be changed to positively impact an individual’s life. In this way, we are able to address the communication, social, and behavioral deficits that are commonly seen in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Who do we Help?

Our staff is always ready to discuss potential options for individuals considering treatment. We accept clients with a wide range of disabilities and behavioral disorders. Our staff is excited to assess your individual needs and work together to tailor a treatment plan that works for you. Email or call today!